I have many obsessions and lots of these are also possessions. Currently I am in love with narwhals, clouds, and Sonny Angels. This means that she is too, he was but has broken the horn off one of the narwhals which means he’s banned from that club. I have a whole wall of cloud photos that I’ve taken on my travels, not nearly enough ‘species’ of clouds though as I need to travel further afield that South East London and maybe even outside of school run hours.
This year we’ll be having lots of adventures and this year will be one of my notable years like the year I went to uni or when I first discovered tweezers (this was a very significant year, I had slugs for eyebrows before this point and I cannot look at photos without cringing & reaching for the salt. I have made a vow to take her to one side with a pink pair of Tweezermans as soon as it’s ‘okay’ although I have no idea when ‘okay’ is. No one tells you those key milestones). So a magnificent year to come and with us already 1/12th of the way in – what has January done to wow me? Rain (but no snow, this is good), I’ve had a haircut (didn’t like it, very sad and on my birthday), a massage (again, birthday treat to make up for dodgy hair), a float (possibly personal highlight of month?), booked two holidays, and a girl dog is in season… so this might be the year we get a hound, names are already decided: Luna (Luna Loo) for a girl Ziggy (Ziggy Pop) for a boy. This may change of course. What else has January thrown at us? An amazing trip to Roma with one of my dearest friends (booked for later this Spring), a wobbly front tooth for the boy and a lot of rain. I’m not mentioning the leaky roof.

things i love